Interior design ideas for small houses
Interior design in Bangladesh is a revolution in recent years. A proper interior guideline can solve your home decoration loopholes such as lack of spaces and many more problems. When you have a large space in your house, you have a lot of options in hand for interior design. But when you are an owner of a small house, you need lots of planning while decorating your house. In this blog, we will share with you some amazing interior design ideas for your small house.
Use light or neutral color:
Color selection is a vital part of interior design. Whether you have a small house or a large one, you will have to be very selective while choosing the color. For a small house, light color is always effective, light color on the wall will make your space larger than before. The dark and deep color is strictly prohibited while you are doing interior design for a small house, it will do the opposite of light or neutral color.
Proper Lighting:
Proper light selection is one of the important parts while you are doing interior design for a small house. It can create a big difference in the outlook of your house. Always try to use neutral light as a result you won’t feel suffocated, and place the theme in such a way that it covers each and every corner of your house. It is not just about the electrical light make sure that natural light must come on your house.
Select area for dining room:
You are the owner of a small house so what?? Will you give up your dining space? Obviously not, select a corner of your living room and align the chair/couch or table stick to the wall. This way you can make the most out of your small spaces.
Use the kitchen as your dining space:
If you cannot find a suitable place for your dining area, you can use a folding chair or table for meals in the kitchen. When you need to take a meal just open up the chair table, after using just fold theme and place them at the corner, it is that simple. By doing this you can save a lot of space in your house.
Align everything closed to the wall:
Try to set each and everything including your furniture, beds, fridge, study table, computer table TV align close to the wall, as a result, you will get a lot of vacant places in the center. These tips will save you lots of place and these tips and tricks for each and every kind of home interior design.
Use the wall properly:
You can save lots of place by using the wall properly suppose instead of a dressing table attached a mirror to the wall; it will save your place of furniture would have been occupied. Use a clip or hanger to hang rarely used components of your house/room. Creating some open shelves instead of the wall cabinet is a great idea for saving your place.
Use multifunctional furniture
As an owner of a small house, you do not have the liberty to use lots of furniture. You will have to use minimal furniture while designing your small house. But you have to choose the furniture in such a way that it can perform multiple tasks as per your need. Suppose use a storage bed you can use it as a wardrobe for keeping your clothes or other accessories. Another example can be given here that is a multipurpose sofa set. You can use it for seating purposes in the daytime and you can turn the sofa set into a sleeping bed at night.
Use of Mirrors
Use a mirror while designing your house; it will make your house look extended. Besides its functional uses, it will enhance the beauty of your house and make the room more luxurious. The mirror frames will create the illusion of more space. Place the mirror across the window, It will give you a feel of more open space.
Use Bunk Beds:
Suppose you have two small kids so you need a king-size bed, as a result, you need more space but you cannot afford it due to lack of space, the only way that can solve your problem is to use bunk beds. It will save a lot of space in your bedroom.
Making good use of each & every corner:
You have small space to deal with so you will have to make good use of each and every inch of space otherwise you will fail to full fill your desired house. To do so you will have to do the best possible use of each and every corner of your house. You can place the tv cabinet in a corner that’s a great idea for saving space.
Here are some amazing interior design ideas for small houses. If you follow the tips given above you can sort out your space shortage problem