Overview of a perfect interior design project timeline
Are you looking for an interior designer? Are you ready to convert your dream into reality? Before you go, you should know the “interior design project timeline and interior design cost”. In this blog, we will try to give you an overview of a perfect interior design project timeline.
The vital stages of interior design in Bangladesh are:
1. Searching and shortlisting
2. Initial meeting with the shortlisted company
3. Design planning and contract signing
4. 3d design
5. Project execution
1. Searching and shortlisting (up to 3-5 days):
Before you consult with an individual or interior designer, or interior design company, you need to find some best interior design companies in Bangladesh. Now you can ask me, you are new to interior design how can I choose the best interior design company in Bangladesh? We are living in a modern area; just search on google with some specific keywords like “interior design in Dhaka”, “Home interior design”, and “Best interior design Company in Bangladesh”. You will find a huge interior design company list on your device screen. The common question that everyone asks is what thinks should I consider choosing the best interior design company. We have shortlisted some points that will help you to choose one of the best interior design companies in Bangladesh.
1. Check their website portfolio:
After searching on google, you will find a list of the best interior design companies in Bangladesh, visit their website straight away and check “what types of services are offered by them”, and check their portfolios, and you will get a clear idea of their design sense and ideas by reviewing their website portfolio.
2. Check their social media profile:
Look different companies have different marketing strategies. Some are interested to do marketing on Facebook while others are active on YouTube. There are many interior design-related groups in Bangladesh, where you can see that many companies promote their business and their day-to-day activity. You will find a list and go to their Facebook page and check their Facebook page.
3. Check reviews from Facebook and google my business:
Reviews are most important when you are choosing an Interior Design Company for your dream interior design. You can check reviews from google and Facebook page. From these reviews, you can know “what clients are saying about them and whether they are satisfied or not”
2. Initial meeting with the shortlisted companies (1 to 1.5 weeks):
Make a schedule with every shortlisted interior design company. Every interior design must come with different interior design ideas and styles. Discuss everything about your project details, project scopes, your design styles, and design preference.
For a better understanding, you can collect some of your favorite interior design 3d designs from google or any other resource so that the Interior Design Company easily understands your taste and requirements. Each interior design company will propose some design outline within a week.
Now you need to go through each design outline and choose the best one that meets your requirements and tastes. I would like to suggest you choose at least the best two interior design companies. Because pricing is important, let the best two propose their interior design cost, written in a quotation.
3. Contract Signing ( 1 week to 2 weeks):
After getting a quotation from the best two, check everything written on the quotation and check which one has charged less and gives you the most facilities. After choosing the best one, fix one or two more meetings to explain your project in detail. Depending on the meeting if anything changes they will revise their quotation and propose their pricing again. If everything goes right sign a contract with them.
4. 3D Design ( 20- 25 days):
Many companies proposed their 3d design before contract signing, which impresses their clients a lot. But most of the time interior design companies started 3d design after signing the contract paper. The time to require finishing the 3d design depends basically on your project size and complexity. After submitting a 3d design by the respective interior design company, you will get a clear overview of the project look after the completion of interior work.
5. Project Development and hand-over ( 12 weeks):
Project development time is not constant. It depends on your project size and your luxury levels. After proposing a 3d design by your selected interior design company they will go for your real-time project development if only the 3d design is approved by you.
While they are ready to hand over your project, check everything off your project material that is matched the quotation or not.
For any type of interior design or consultancy, come directly to the office or contact us on the phone. Upon receiving your call, our skilled team will visit your site and assist in design and costing.
Mobile Number:
+88 01711-208563 (What’s App)
+88 01770-336451 (What’s App)Website: https://bdinterior.net/
Email: info@bdinterior.net
Office address:
House: 531 (4th Floor), Road: 12
Baitul Aman Housing Society Ltd, Adabor,
Mohammadpur, Dhaka – 1207